HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Welcome to 2011, Scared Silly fans! Here's wishing you all the very best and every blessing for the bright new year ahead.
I was scratching my head trying to think of an appropriate clip to share this New Year's Day... and then to see if I could find said clip. I came up with some maybe's, but they were either unavailable or unusable for one reason or another.
I did stumble upon the following clip, and I think it's appropriate.
The clip below is a montage of scenes from classic comedy films set to the song "Those Were the Days" by Sandie Shaw. It includes Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton, Fatty Arbuckle, Laurel & Hardy, Charley Chase, Edgar Kennedy, The Marx Brothers and others.
New Year's Day is a day to look ahead but also reflect on the year gone by. Here at Scared Silly, we reflect upon the YEARS gone by, so it's only natural to revisit these clips from seven plus decades ago.
This is not a stretch when you know what the traditional New Year's song "Auld Lang Syne" really means. The song began life as a Scots poem by Robert Burns. The title literally translates into "old long since," which in turn becomes "long, long ago," "days gone by" and "old times" in today's English. Furthermore, the lyric "For auld lang syne" can be translated as "for (the sake of) old times." Perhaps the songwriter behind "Those Were the Days" intended their tune to be a sequel to "Auld Lang Syne?"
So... between the nature of the clips in this video montage and the lyrics of "Those Were the Days" that seals the deal for me.
Now none of these clips are from horror-comedies, but some of the folks within this montage did appear in horror-comedies, and besides, we like to celebrate classic comedy in general from time to time here, so without further ado... let's ring in the New Year with some classic, kooky memories!
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