That errant ghost would be me, as I’ve been scare(ce) in these here parts as of late. Simply put, “life,” in the form of both personal situations and professional considerations (and often tricky vs. treaty stuff at that) has greatly limited the amount of time I’ve been able to spend on Scared Silly. As a “hobby” project that I hope one day becomes a real publication, it is, unfortunately, the first thing to be put on the “back-burner” list when “life” rears its ubiquitous, hydra-like head.
I’m hoping in the coming months that situations progress to the point where I can tackle Scared Silly with gusto once more. That’s certainly the goal.
Of course, not everything contributing to Scared Silly’s delay has been tricky. One of the true treats in my life has been the opportunity to take part in the upcoming documentary film, Bowery Rhapsody: the Rise & Redemption of Hollywood’s Original ‘Brat Pack.’
The film is the brainchild of Executive Producer and owner of Handshake Away Productions, Colette Joel. Her lifelong love of the Dead End Kids, East Side Kids and Bowery Boys is manifesting itself in a wonderful production that I know all fans of classic movies and classic comedy will enjoy. And that includes you, Scared Silly readers!
Given the above, what better way to celebrate Halloween than with a selection of classic horror-comedy trailers from the East Side Kids and Bowery Boys?!:
…as if that wasn’t enough, I’m offering one last Halloween treat (or is it a trick?!): from the night before Halloween, 2015 – here’s an encore posting of me performing “Monster Mash” with my pals, “The O>Matics!” (remember, I’m not a professional singer… no hurling rotten fruit, please)!