To the faithful “Scared Silly” watchers: I know, entirely too much time has elapsed without a new review from me. For that I offer my sincere apologies. There are a variety of reasons I haven’t posted a new review the past few months, none of which I’ll bore you with here. Suffice it to say that “Scared Silly” remains a hobby project that will hopefully eventually become a real book, but until it does, it has to play second fiddle to my paying gigs as well as other real-life commitments to family and friends.
With that said, I seem to be coming out of a period where my schedule has been absurdly busy to one that could be still-busy-but-manageable. Which means I should hopefully be able to get back into gear with more new reviews soon. I know I’ve been promising my review of Don Knotts’ “The Ghost & Mr. Chicken" for ages, for one. Cary Grant’s “Arsenic & Old Lace” is also on the near-horizon and I’m toying with the idea of an all-Laurel & Hardy week (maybe for Christmas) – we’ll see. Until then, I just wanted to thank you for your patience and ask you to hang in there... there is more happy haunting to come!
Hanging in!
ReplyDeleteAnd I love the sound of that Stan and Ollie week.