As I mentioned in my previous post, I begin the New Year with an exciting announcement: on Sunday, January 12th at 2PM I will be introducing and doing a post-screening talk/Q&A on the ultimate classic horror-comedy film, ABBOTT & COSTELLO MEET FRANKENSTEIN!

It’s part of the annual West Orange Classic Film Festival, whose organizer Ken Mandel I must thank for arranging my appearance.
After my talk, I’ll have a little table set up where fans can purchase autographed copies of some of my books, such as the VINCENT PRICE book to which I contributed an essay and the ARCHIE’S WEIRD MYSTERIES paperback collection.
Available for the first time will be the brand-new, FREE Scared Silly bookmark! A little something to tied us all over until we actually have a completed Scared Silly book to read.
Tickets for this special event are NOW AVAILABLE for pre-order at the following link:
Fandango – A&C Meet Frankenstein W.O. Classic Film Fest – order tickets here
Just click on the showtime within the above link (2:00 p) to order.
Be advised that this theater sells reserved ticket seats only (like a Broadway show or concert). This means you get to pick your seats when you purchase your ticket. You can do that as a "walk-in" same day as the show or you can do it by pre-ordering. Pre-ordering of course gets you an earlier shot at better available seats but either way works (NOTE: The event organizer feels this show has a chance of seeing out so he recommends pre-ordering your tickets).
Of course, my screening isn’t the only one happening in the festival – there are several amazing films screening, all with a special guest-speaker. You can see the line-up here:

...and you can watch the trailer for ABBOTT & COSTELLO MEET FRANKENSTEIN here: